Saturday 21 September 2013

Fun ways to teach the days of the week

Learning the names of the days of the week is a basic skill that all young children should learn. Since the most effective teaching methods incorporate fun, play and social interaction, involving the children in the learning process is a valuable learning strategy. Here are some practical, easily-implemented ideas for the day care, pre-kindergarten, or kindergarten classroom.

1. Place a large, colorful calendar for the current month on the bulletin board. Every morning a child will take a turn announcing the date to their classmates. " Today is Monday, June the first and it is sunny." He may then make a crayon drawing of a sun (or other appropriate symbol) on the specific space. This familiarizes the children with the names of the days of the week and their natural order.

 2. There are nursery rhymes which can be taught as choral speaking to teach the names of the days of the weeks. For instance: "Sneezing" or "Solomon Grundy".


If you sneeze on Monday, you sneeze for danger;
Sneeze on a Tuesday, kiss a stranger;
Sneeze on a Wednesday, sneeze for a letter;
Sneeze on a Thursday, something better.
Sneeze on a Friday, sneeze for sorrow;
Sneeze on a Saturday, joy to-morrow.

Solomon Grundy

Solomon Grundy,
Born on a Monday,
Christened on Tuesday,
Married on Wednesday,
Took ill on Thursday,
Worse on Friday,
Died on Saturday,
Buried on Sunday.
This is the end
Of Solomon Grundy.

These rhymes could also be used for skipping jingles, bouncing ball or hand-clapping activities.

3. Divide the class into five groups (by rows, or tables, or randomly). Each group gets to do a special activity on their day. For example, Group One has "Show and Tell" every Monday, Group Two every Tuesday, etc. Rotate the groups at the beginning of each month. The children soon learn which is their "special" day. Saturday and Sunday, which are holidays, are absorbed even more quickly.

 4. Make up 2 sets of flashcards with the names of the days of the week printed on them. Select two teams of 7 children each. Arrange the teams so that they are facing each other. Give each child on each team a flashcard containing the name of a weekday. Whichever team can arrange itself  in the proper order first, wins the game. Continue until everyone has had a turn to be on a team.

5. Incidental references to the calendar throughout the school year can do much to consolidate the names of the weekdays in the children's minds. "How many Mondays until Christmas?" or "How many Fridays until the summer holidays?"  are questions everyone will be anxious to answer.

 With a little forethought and planning on the part of the teacher or early-childhood worker, every child will easily learn the names of the days of the week. Together with discussions and activities that occur naturally at home, the youngsters will soon master this skill, and be ready to progress to more complicated educational concepts. 


Tuesday 21 May 2013

Should teachers be judged by their students' exam marks?

Teachers should not be judged by their students' exam results. There are too many variables and extenuating circumstances which may affect the progress of a class in any given year, or on any particular set of exams. Among these, may be one or more of the following:

(a) Two teachers, of equal ability, may be assigned to the same grade, but in different areas of a city. However, the students of each may be very different. Teacher A's children may come from an area where the parents are intelligent and financially comfortable. Their children will have had many advantages: attendance at Music or Dance classes, summer camp, participation in sports, travel, concerts, and museum visits. In addition, the young people have probably had opportunities to participate in family discussions on topics above the level of other children of the same chronological age.

Teacher B's children may live in an area where English, for the majority of the students, is a second language. In fact, many of the children may only have been introduced to it in Kindergarten, and they will still be far from fluent. For these young people, expressing their ideas either verbally or in written form may be a struggle. Their parents will mostly be working class folks whose primary concern is providing the necessities of life for the family. As much as they might like to, they will lack the resources and energy for activities to enrich the lives of their offspring.

(b) Even for students in the same area, there are a multiple of variables which may affect the progress of one class over another. If one group has a succession of supply teachers, each with different methods and expectations, during the school year, it will not progress as well as another class which was fortunate enough to work with the same instructor from September until June.

(c) Illness can affect the progress of one group of students compared to another during the school year. If Teacher A had to cope with epidemics of stomach flu in the Fall, head lice during the Winter and mumps in the Spring, he or she would have to go much more slowly, often reteaching and reviewing, to accommodate those children who were coming and going over a period of weeks.

(d) The weather can also be a powerful influence of the progress of one class of children over another of similar age. If Teacher B works in an area plagued by snowstorms, a tornado or two, or a destructive hurricane, his or her children will not do as well as a similar class in a zone which enjoys a moderate climate. When a school is closed for an extended period, the children cannot help but fall behind academically.

(e) The policy of each School Board also affects academic progress. Some school authorities stress student self-reliance, the arts, or sports success over the three R's. Homework is seldom assigned and children are encouraged to problem-solve and allowed to proceed at their own pace.

In contrast, other Boards have structured programs, with definite expectations for each grade level. The students are disciplined firmly but fairly by teachers until they are able to develop self-disciplinary skills. Appropriate Homework is routinely assigned according to the child's age. Students in these types of schools will have better exam results than those in less structured institutions.

Because of these and other variables, it is impossible to compare the exam results of one teacher with those of another. After all, teachers are only human. They cannot control the children's home conditions or backgrounds, their own health or that of the children, the weather or School Board policies. The majority of teachers will instruct the children in their classes to the best of their ability, while faithfully following Board policies. For that reason, it is advisable to sometimes give each of them a well-deserved pat on the back.



Wednesday 28 November 2012

Senryu about children


Beauty, innocence

Fresh from the Creator's hand,

Gifted to the world.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

How to simplify reading, writing and arithmetic for children

Learning is a necessary activity for children, for adults too in the complicated modern world in which people today live. As a grown-up, this author has found that she can focus and learn when she really needs to know something in a specific and immediate circumstance. She will also learn when she perceives that doing so will be a distinct and significant advantage to her.

For example, she mastered use of the cell phone when she was away from home and needed a way to converse with family that didn't cost an arm and a leg. She first placed a book order online when the weather was too cold and miserable to go to a book store or the library.

Children are motivated in similar ways. Given incentives to learn, and sufficient motivation, their flexible little minds will amaze you at how quickly and thoroughly they can absorb and apply new skills.


(a) Read interesting books to children from the earliest ages. Let them see you enjoying reading. Give them lots of reading material - comic books are fine. They can move on to better literature later. Make the library a second home.

(b) Obtain and drill Phonovisual Charts where every letter makes a certain sound, although there are exceptions. The writer has taught children, for whom English was a second language, to read within a few months using this method.

(c). Give them pressing reasons to read: ask them to find a favorite show in the TV Guide, play word games like Junior Scrabble, or let them choose an easy recipe to prepare and serve at a family meal.


(a) Help them write "thank you" notes, Halloween cards, fan letters to favorite music stars, enter writing contests in a local newspaper for Mother's or Father's Day, or write letters to the editor of a children's magazine. Let the child's interests guide you. Be alert for opportunities to encourage the child to write.

(b) Enlist their help in writing down menus and games for their birthday party and other special occasions. List people to whom to send Christmas cards. Note family's and friend's birthdays and other special occasions on a large calendar to be hung in a central location in the home.

(c) Purchase a colorful, lined Journal or Diary for the child to write in daily. Sometimes he may only choose to write one sentence, but once the habit is formed, he will want to record more on days when special things happen.


(a) Start counting experiences early. How many spoons will we need for dinner? How many guests for your party? How many treats for your class? How many miles to Grandma's house? The answer to each request must be meaningful to the child at the time.

(b) There are many board games which will hone mathematical skills: Monopoly, Cribbage, or Snakes and Ladders, etc. Look for age-appropriate ones and increase the level of difficulty as the child grows older. There are also free websites that drill Math skills using attractive game-like formats.

(c) Many skills, like the multiplication tables, must be memorized. I have developed songs which make this task easier.

Of course, there are some tasks, like homework and memorization work which are boring, difficult and/or uninviting. In those cases, a creative parent can and should provide external motivation. It doesn't take much to make a child happy- an extra half hour of TV, a trip to a movie or the ice cream shop, or maybe a new book or game.

Every little effort you make now will be amply repaid in years to come, when your cherished little one becomes an intelligent, self-motivated, and successful adult in his own right, thanks to your dedication and patience.




Teaching your child to be punctual

Punctuality is an important habit to develop, not just for the school years, but for success and the maintenance of good relationships all through life. If it becomes ingrained in a child during his formative years, there is every likelihood that he will carry it through into his adult life.

Here are some effective strategies a parent can use to help his or her child learn and practice a habit of always being on time:

* Place a large calendar in a prominent place, perhaps on the kitchen fridge, and write on it reminders of upcoming events and activities: money for Pizza Day, class trip, bring gym clothes, etc.

* Try to establish a definite household routine on school days. It is difficult for anyone to be punctual in a chaotic or unregulated environment.

* After Homework is completed each evening, pack everything needed for the following day in his schoolbag and place it near the door through which the child will exit next morning.

* Listen to the weather forecast together. Discuss and agree on appropriate clothing for the following day. Lay it out so he can put it on quickly the next morning.

* If family members take a lunch, have the meals in the fridge, ready to go, before you retire the previous evening. With good planning, everyone can enjoy breakfast together while discussing the upcoming day's schedule and other items of interest.

* Set the alarm clock half an hour early, or more if necessary. This will allow time for unexpected emergencies, a nourishing family breakfast, review of after-school agendas, as well as other last minute concerns which have a way of popping up.

* Be sure the child gets enough sleep. Advance bedtime by half an hour or an hour. Read to him or allow him to read by himself until you turn off the light. If he's tired, he'll doze off early.

* Teach the child to tell time accurately as early as possible. That way, you will be able to gauge how well he is progressing in becoming independently punctual. Then, hopefully, you will be able to give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back.

* Be a good role model. Show that you attach great value to being on time or a even little early for work, doctors' appointments, or meeting someone for lunch. Voice your annoyance when someone is needlessly late and keeps you waiting for a prearranged engagement.

* Praise and reward your child as he improves in being punctual. " Johnny, you were on time for school every day this month! You have earned a trip to the movies this Saturday."

A punctual adult will reap great benefits in many of life's situations: at work, on social occasions and in personal relationships. Punctuality denotes respect, trustworthiness, reliability, and maturity. There is no better time to teach this valuable habit to a child than during his school years.



Saturday 11 August 2012

Back to school health tips for teachers

A classroom can be a hotbed of germs. With twenty to thirty individuals inhabiting a limited space, it's inevitable than most of them will be sick at some time during the school year.

 In winter, when windows are closed because of the cold, bacteria and viruses can spread like wildfire. The teacher, who should be the guide and stabilizing influence in the classroom, should do his or her best to stay well and miss as few teaching days as possible. Here are some suggestions to help every teacher do just that:

 1. Boost your immune system

 Eat a healthy diet with lots of fruit and vegetables, get regular exercise and try to get 8-9 hours sleep each week night. Maintain social relationships with friends and colleagues; these will help keep you stress-free and balanced, especially during the hectic periods which recur so often during the school year.   

2. Befriend your doctor 

 He can be a valuable partner in your effort to stay well. Schedule regular appointments for check-ups and when he gets to know you well, he will not hesitate to write those "reason for absence" notes as you need them throughout the year. Have him recommend a good multivitamin pill and take it daily. Get a flu shot at the beginning of flu season, and be sure that all your vaccines are up to date.

 3. Make use of the school nurse

If you are fortunate enough to have a school nurse, take full advantage of her presence and skill. She is a professional; she can identify rashes from measles or chicken pox and she is familiar with a myriad of other childhood ailments. She can detect head lice, identify signs of physical, emotional or sexual abuse, and is a valuable ally in recognizing possible learning disabilities. If she has a couch in the Health Room, she can isolate a sick child until the parents pick him up.

 4. Enlist parents' help

 At the "Meet the Teacher" night in September, share with parents the futility of sending a sick child to school. The child will absorb very little, because he or she is feeling unwell, the parent will probably get a call at work to come and collect the little patient, and many of the other children may very well be infected with the same illness. Advise that they should have an alternate caregiver ready to pick up the child in case of illness or other emergency when they are unavailable.  

5. Stay home when you're sick

Teacher, follow your own advice. Stay home when you're ill. Nobody is indispensable. No one will thank you for going in to work, feeling cranky and miserable all day, and spreading your germs around. Be kind to the children and yourself. When you're sick, stay home!

 The teacher is the hub and the heart of the classroom. When she is present, in good health and good spirits, the children feel secure, at ease and ready to learn. Responsible teachers will use the above measures to ensure that these circumstances prevail on as many days as possible during the school year. 

Sunday 29 July 2012

Five reasons children skip school

Children cannot succeed in school if they don't attend regularly. In this twenty-first century every person needs at least a high school diploma in order to find a job, start a family, and lead a fulfilling life.

In North American schools, where public education is available to everyone, why would any child not attend school? Following are some of the possible reasons:

1. Academic Problems

If a child is placed in a grade where the curriculum is too difficult, he may become so frustrated and unhappy that he will seek to avoid classes at any cost. He may feign illness, play hooky, or just walk the streets until he can return home without be questioned.

Similarly, if he is very intelligent and bored by the program in which he has been placed, he will see no need to attend school. He may seek challenge and adventure elsewhere and possibly get into trouble by doing so.

The solution to either of these problems is to have the child tested, either by the local school system or by an independent agency, and insist that he be placed in a program which meets his needs.

2. Social Problems

If a child is harassed on a daily basis, humiliated before his peers, or fearful for his physical safety, who can blame him for skipping school? It is vital that parents keep the lines of communication open, so that their child will confide in them when he is having trouble relating to his classmates.

At the first sign of trouble, whether it be lack of friends, isolation or bullying, Mom and Dad need to become advocates for the child, seeking help from the teacher, the principal, even the director of education, if necessary. An education is too important to be hindered by social problems.

3. Health Issues

Health problems, whether physical or mental, can disrupt a child's educational progress. When the trouble is a contagious disease or a broken bone, most school systems provide an in-home tutor who will insure that the child does not fall behind his classmates.

However, when a child suffers from a learning disability, depression, autism, or another mental or emotional disorder, early and ongoing intervention and treatment by health and educational professionals is essential. There are many treatments and strategies today which can enable a student to attain his or her maximum potential despite having to cope with mental or emotional disabilities.

4. Home Conditions

When a child has to deal with turbulent conditions at home, school concerns will become unimportant. If the parents are constantly fighting, going through a separation or divorce, or if one or both are alcohol or drug addicts, the child has more to worry about than educational matters.

Similarly, if the parents view education as unimportant, if they pay no attention to report cards, fail to attend parent-teacher conferences, and do not question the child's unexplained absences from class, the child won't care either. Parents are a child's first and most important role models.

5. Bad Companions

As a child approaches adolescence, his peer group assumes primary importance in his life. He needs to fit in, to be "cool", to be accepted and respected by the others. If he lacks self-confidence, or strong self-esteem, if he's a follower, rather than a leader, he may fall in with a group of which his parents do not approve. Bad associates can wreck havoc with a teen's education and his parent's dreams for his future.

Wise parents will start early to monitor their child's playmates, and school friends, and encourage healthy relationships while they still have the influence to do so. If the child gets involved in team sports, Boy Scouts or Girl Guides, or a church's youth activity programs, chances are that these beneficial friendships will continue through the teenage years.

Few children are gifted enough to become super sports figures or entertainment stars, but even these individuals will need an education to negotiate contracts, to oversee banking and investments and avoid getting scammed by unscrupulous agents and managers. Education is a vital component for a successful and fulfilling life in whatever career a child chooses. It is the duty of every responsible parent to see that their child receives one.